Emergency Loan

Emergency loans help AMK clients who are in debt and face immediate emergencies related to health, accident or death in the family. Customers can receive the money within 4 hours after the credit officer receives the information.

Product Features and Benefits

Product Attribute Description
Currency KHR
Loan SizeUp to KHR 400,000
Loan Term Up to 10 months
Monthly Interest Rate 1.50%
Repayment Mode Bullet
Type of CollateralsNo collateral required
Guarantor Requires a guarantor


Cambodian citizens who are:
• Age from 18 to 70 years’ old
• Permanent address in Cambodia
• Having AMK loan with good repayment history.


• National identification document (NID) / identity document issued by an official authority
• And other relevant documents as requested

How to Apply:

Please visit one of our nearest branches to you and meet our staff who will guide you through the processes, or contact us: 023 220 202 or 1800 200 200 (No Fee Charge).
Please click here for our branch’s addresses