Happy Old Age

Is a type of account for customer who has regularly income and think about their financial freedom in later age could make a regular monthly deposit according to agreed amount set when open account. Beside earning on saving interest rate, customer will earn bonus rate 5% on monthly agreed amount and get life insurance coverage up to 300% of the saving account balance in previous month end or maximum up to USD 200,000.

Product Features and Benefits:

Product Attribute   Description
Currency KHR/USD
Annual Interest Rate 2.00%
Term Up to 60 months
Initial Deposit KHR20,000/ USD5
Min Monthly Deposit KHR20,000/ USD5
Account Ownership Saving Paper Card
Withholding Tax 6% for resident 14% for non-resident
Account Opening AMK Branches during business hours
Accessibility Be able to deposit at AMK channel such as:
•     AMK Branches during business hours
•     AMK Agent
•     AMK Mobile Banking
•     ATM/CDM Machine
Interest Payment Interest payment on maturity date
Withdrawal Condition Withdrawal on maturity date or closure account
Additional Service Free of charge on request account statement
Fee Charge •     Free of charge on account opening or closing
•     KHR8,000/USD2 for new issuance of ATM Card or account ownership if lost
Other Benefits •     Add up bonus rate 5% on monthly agree amount
•     Offer life insurance to account holder for illness up to 300% of the saving account in monthly balance or maximum up to USD200,000


How to Apply:

Terms and Conditions of Happy Old Age Account