MoU Signing Ceremony between “AMK Microfinance Institution Plc” and “People & Partners Insurance Plc” On Payment Gateway Collaboration.

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023, People & Partners Insurance Plc. (PPI) and AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. (AMK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance payment methods and strengthen their partnership. The aim is to improve and expand the scope of services offered by both companies, ensuring sustainable growth.
This job will offer customers and users of PPI services convenient access to premium payment through AMK’s mobile app installed on their phones. Additionally, it prioritizes security, making it an excellent choice for consumers in line with the advancements of modern technology today.

Additionally, customers of AMK MFI and PPI Insurance have the convenience of paying their premiums anywhere through a vast network of over 6,000 AMK agents and all MFI branches. This service is available throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Through the collaboration between PPI Company and AMK Microfinance Institution, we firmly believe that customers of both companies will enjoy enhanced convenience, faster transactions, and increased trust by utilizing our payment services. This collaboration aims to provide extensive benefits to our valued customers.

For any inquiries regarding service details, you can contact PPI Insurance Company at 015 78 00 78 or email Alternatively, you can reach out to AMK Microfinance Institution at 023 220 202 or call 1800 200 200, or send an email to