“More Top-up, more points”

Now AMK has a special offer for customers who top up their mobile phones via AMK Mobile, they will receive points according to the amount topped up (1 point for every $1). For example:

Promotion period: From 15 January to 31 December 2025

How to use point:

Customers can use their points in two ways:

NO.  Item NamePoint
1Tumbler600 Points
2Umbrella400 Points

Note: You can redeem points for gift at AMK’s 33 branches below:

1. Phnom Penh18. Kampot
2. Phsar Deum Kor19. Takeo
3. Beoung Kork 120. Bonteay Meanchey
4. Russey Keo21. Pailin
5. Chroy Chongva22. Battambang
6. Chbar Ampov23. Pursat
7. Dongkor24. Prey Veng
8. Veng Sreng25. Preah Sihanouk
9. Champu Vorn26. Preah Vihear
10. Ang Snoul27. Mondulkiri
11. Kandal28. Ratanakiri
12. Koh Kong29. Soung
13. Kratie30. Siem Reap
14. Kampong Cham31. Steung Treang
15. Kampong Chnang32. Svay Riang
16. Kampong Thom33. Oddar meanchey
17. Kampong Spue