News Media Library


Jan 27, 2020

AMK Organizes Annual Staff Party

AMK Organizes Annual Staff Party Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. organized an annual staff party on December 24, 2016 at Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh Cambodia attended by AMK staff from all 25 cities and provinces. AMK achievements in 2016 and plans for 2017 was presented. Thanks are given to all staff who have been working ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK Donated 21 Million Riel to Kuntha Bopha Hospital

AMK Donated 21 Million Riel to Kuntha Bopha Hospital Phnom Penh: AMK microfinance institution Plc. donated 21 Million Riel to Kuntha Bopha Hospital on December 27, 2016. Donation was led by Mr. Chhun Kosal, brand communication manager of AMK microfinance institution Plc. This donation is to help Cambodian children to have good health as AMK wants ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK Promotes the quality of Education in Cambodia

AMK Promotes the quality of Education in Cambodia Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. was the main sponsor of the workshop on “Why Educaton Matters” held on Saturday, January 14, 2017 at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and hosted by Westline Education Group (WEG). Education in Cambodia performs rapid growth in the last few years. ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

Spend only 200 Riels to get benefit up to 10,000 US$

Spend only 200 Riels to get benefit up to 10,000 US$ Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. in cooperation with Forte Micro-Insurance launched a new product called “Personal Accident.” According to Micro-Insurance expert, personal accident will protect Cambodian family especially their financial stability despite their families have any accidents. Personal accident product provides a lot of ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

Enjoy Double Benefits from AMK Motorcycle Loan

Enjoy Double Benefits from AMK Motorcycle Loan Phnom Penh: Customers will get double benefits from AMK motor loan starting September 01, 2017 until November 30, 2017. The benefits consist of loan amount up to 100% of motorcycle price and a free helmet to go with it, until stock runs out. The AMK motorcycle loan has been ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

The Sales of AMK Micro-Insurance Policy Exceeded Expectations in 2017

The Sales of AMK Micro-Insurance Policy Exceeded Expectations in 2017 Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. congratulated its staff and management for surpassing the sales of its micro-insurance policies in 2017.    The celebration was held at a management workshop on December 24, 2017 at Sokha Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap. The management workshop was organized with ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK Continues to Support Children’s Health

AMK Continues to Support Children’s Health Phnom Penh: On December 29, 2017, representatives of AMK Microfinance Institution Plc, led by Mr. Nang Kinal, Head of Marketing and Communication Department , has brought USD18 million in donations to Kuntha Bopha Hospital-Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh. The funds are the donations of AMK management and AMK staff from all levels. ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK is Your Employer of Choice

AMK is Your Employer of Choice Phnom Penh: AMK’s staff has steadily grown year after year. The increase is proof that AMK is an institution that strongly develops and values its staff. All AMK’s staff have been focused and they enjoyed their work because the institution has totally provided a really good working environment, has given ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020


AMK LAUNCHES NEW SWITCH IN RESPONSE TO THE RISE OF ITS CUSTOMERS Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. has launched a new SWITCH (Smart Vista) across the country. It will be operational on 26th March 2018. The change to the new SWITCH will provide better services – fast, reliable, and high security, doing away with manual writing ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

FTB and AMK Signed MOU to Provide International Remittance Service

FTB and AMK Signed MOU to Provide International Remittance Service Phnom Penh: On April 26, 2018, Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB) and AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. signed the MOU to provide international remittance service to all AMK customers under the permission of the National Bank of Cambodia. AMK customers and their friends, relatives and business ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK Micro-Insurance Clients Increased to More Than 80%

AMK Micro-Insurance Clients Increased to More Than 80% Phnom Penh: According to AMK first quarterly financial report of 2018, there are now more than 280,000 AMK loan clients, equaling more than 80% of AMK total borrowers, using Micro-insurance for Health and Accident. AMK has cooperated with Forte Insurance for providing Micro-insurance to AMK loan clients since ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020


NEW SHAREHOLDER HELPS AMK GROW FURTHER Phnom Penh, August 30, 2018―AMK’s new shareholder will bring both investment capital and financial expertise to help AMK grow further. The new shareholder is the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd. (SCSB), originally from Shanghai, China. SCSB is currently has its headquarters in Taipei and subsidiaries in Hong Kong ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020


AMK PROMOTES WOMEN Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. financial report first semester of 2018 shows that most of its borrowers are women which is more than 80% of total loan clients. Most of AMK’s clients are poor and living in rural areas. This figure clearly states that AMK has been actively involving in promoting the ... Read more

Jan 27, 2020

AMK Financial Rating 2018

AMK Financial Rating 2018 AMK is amongst the top five MDIs in the country in terms of gross loan portfolio and second largest in terms of the borrower and depositor base as on 31 December 2017. To learn more about AMK Financial Rating 2018, please visit the following link for furth... Read more

Jan 27, 2020


AMK RECOGNIZED FOR PRO-POOR PERFORMANCE WITH THE LEADER MILESTONE AWARD Phnom Penh ­– AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. is recently awarded the Leader Milestone Certificate by Truelift and is the first microfinance institution in Cambodia to achieve this. With this AMK joins six other Financial Institutions globally as Truelift leaders in microfinance. The Truelift Certification signifies AMK’s ... Read more