AMK Organizes Annual Staff Party
Phnom Penh: AMK Microfinance Institution Plc. organized an annual staff party on December 24, 2016 at Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh Cambodia attended by AMK staff from all 25 cities and provinces.
AMK achievements in 2016 and plans for 2017 was presented. Thanks are given to all staff who have been working hard the whole year. The party also provided the chance for staff to share knowledge and experience making the occasion more than festive.
Awards were given to outstanding branches as well as letters of appreciation to the staff who have worked with AMK for more than 10 years, and to other special people who are part of the AMK organization.
Mr. Borann, CEO of AMK, thanked all AMK staff who have always spent time and effort helping AMK attain great achievements in 2016. He said that “AMK has two main goals to achieve in the businesses – financial and social returns. Therefore, we have to make sure that every loan which we have provided to our clients is used it in the most effective manner, helping to improve their standard of living.”
AMK’s mission is to help large numbers of poor people to improve their livelihood options through the delivery of appropriate and viable microfinance services. At the same time, AMK has always created joy and fun for its staff through sports and other social activities to get them together to build closer professional relationships.
“Since AMK was granted license from the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) in 2004, AMK has dramatically grown in a lot of ways including its areas of operation, loans portfolio, The numbers of clients. And the number of staff have noticeably increased in the last few years. These great achievements are due to AMK staff at all level having strong commitment and involvement in all activities,” said Mr. Kea Borann, adding that “If one institution has good strategic plan but their staff have no commitment or involvement, those institution will not be able to achieve their goal. Thus, this annual staff party is very significant for AMK staff to be more relaxed and enjoy together in order to be more productive for the next year’s plan. Together we can achieve more.”